Wondering what exactly is prebid.js and how is it different from prebid server? You have come to the right place. Our guide on Prebid.js discusses its benefits, drawbacks, how it…
Prebid.js Timeouts allow the bidders to respond to ad requests. Learn how publishers can optimize the performance of their ads with prebid timeouts. Prebid.js is the most widely adopted header…
Learn more about Prebid Server, the server-side header bidding solution created by Prebid.org to reduce page latency and improve revenue performance. Digital advertising is an ever-changing world. As it continues…
Google’s Core Web Vitals scores have put site speed and user experience to the forefront for all publishers. Ask any publisher why their page loads are slow and they will mention…
Bid caching was in the news recently because of unfair practices being employed by some of the major ad tech players. But what exactly is it? Bid caching is the…
DFP allows publishers to run header bidding using Prebid.js. For the uninitiated, Prebid is an open-source header bidding wrapper and DFP is an ad server by Google that is now…
Header bidding implementation has always been a bit technical. But publishers equate complicated implementation with complex debugging. This is not always true. After implementing header bidding on their website via…
We have previously discussed header bidding and prebid.js in-depth along with how they work in detail. The general consensus in the publisher community now is that setting up header bidding…