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AdSense Automatic Payment Pending: Facing payment issues with AdSense? Payment not cleared yet? Here is how you can fix the problem.

November 2018, Google put out an official announcement addressing “Automatic Payment Pending” for Google AdSense users. Publishers were panicking as they were unable to understand the reason for their pending payments. AdSense was flooded with the email asking about payout delay. To which Google responded:

Some of you might have noticed that your November payment is still marked as “pending”. Rest assured we are working hard to complete your payment as quickly as possible. No additional action is required on your part, and there’s no need to contact us about your November payment. As soon as the issue is fixed, you’ll see the status of your November payment updated.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Google AdSense Support

There is no doubt that AdSense processes loads of transaction each month. And everything needs to be completed in stipulated time frame. However, this November, back to back holidays lead to payment pending.

Let’s Start with AdSense Payment Timelines

AdSense follows a monthly payment cycle. The earning is calculated in accordance with calendar month. Here’s an example of AdSense Payment Timeline:

Suppose, the month of September is just finished and you are about to receive payment from AdSense. On the 3rd day of October, the payment amount will start showing on the Transaction page of your AdSense Dashboard. The final payment will be issued between 21st to 26th October, if the amount is exceeding payment threshold.

Over the past few years, there have been several changes to the terms and policy of AdSense. You can find all the details by exploring AdSense Dashboard. Also, AdSense strictly follow this timeline for all their payments.

When Does AdSense Hold Payments?

You are seeing ‘Automatic Payment Pending’ instead of ‘Payment Processed’ while checking AdSense Transaction page. This can create a state of panic for any publisher and in such case, you should know about the reason for pending payment.
AdSense can hold your payment in case of:

  1. Payment Threshold Not Met:

    AdSense has various earning thresholds which also depend on reporting currency in your account. You can always update your payment threshold settings as per your requirements.

  2. Violation of AdSense Policy:

    According to the Google AdSense Terms and Condition, payment can be put on hold and deducted from publisher’s account if a publisher is found to be violating the AdSense Policy.
    It’s recommended to familiarize with complete terms and conditions of the AdSense before signing up with the services.

AdSense Payment Still Not Cleared?

In case your payment is still not cleared then you can simply contact Google AdSense and inform them about your trouble. You will get a reply in a few days with an answer to your query. Also, if Google has cleared the payment from their side and you still haven’t received it yet then you need to get in touch with your Bank.

Key Take Aways

  • AdSense will start showing payment amount on the 3rd day of October and will issue final payment between 21st to 26th October.
  • Google AdSense has various earning thresholds which depend on reporting currency in your account. If you are found to be violating the AdSense Policy, your payment may be put on hold.
  • In case your payment is still not cleared, you can contact Google AdSense and your bank for help.


1. Why is my automatic payment pending?

Your account may show automatic payment pending and your account number with it, which means your payment has been approved and is being wired out.

2. Is AdSense payment automatic?

AdSense payments are made monthly. You’ll receive your payment between the 21st and 26th of the month if you’ve completed the steps. There will be a line item appearing on your “Transactions” page during this time. Find out when payments are due.

3. How long does it take to get payment from AdSense?

The transfer may take up to 15 business days to complete. You may need to wait for your wire transfer to arrive in your bank account depending on your institution. If the 21st falls on a weekend or holiday, payments may be issued the next business day.


Shubham is a digital marketer with rich experience working in the advertisement technology industry. He has vast experience in the programmatic industry, driving business strategy and scaling functions including but not limited to growth and marketing, Operations, process optimization, and Sales.

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