Adsense Revenue Calculator

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Total Page impressions
Group 55-svg
Avg. Density
Avg. eCPM
Group 55-svg

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How to Calculate Revenue Using AdSense Calculator?

Here’s how our Google AdSense calculator works: Daily AdSense Revenue = Daily page impressions * Click-through rate (CTR) * Cost per click (CPC)
For example, let’s say:
Adsense revenue estimates can differ depending on your site’s niche, traffic, location, and the ads shown.

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views?

How much Adsense pay per 1000 views depends on various factors such as the audience type, location, website content, time on page, and device. On an average, Google Adsense pay 0.2 to $2.5.
With AdSense, content publishers—who represent the majority of the Adsense network—receive a 68% revenue share globally. This means that for every dollar Adsense earns from advertisers for AdSense content ads on your site, 68 cents go directly to publishers.

Average CTR / CPC by Industry

CPC rates fluctuate across industries and depend on advertisers’ objectives. However, in 2024, the average CPC rate for Amazon Ads stood at $1.20 per click, particularly for mobile advertising platforms.
Speaking of social media platforms, according to WebFX, here’s where the average CPC stands at – 
Consumer services0.51%$0.81
Finance & insurance0.52%$0.86
Health & medical0.59%$0.63
Real estate1.08%$0.75

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Frequently Asked Questions

To be eligible for Google Adsense, publishers must comply with Google’s program policies and publish unique or original content. Moreover, your website would also require enough amount of traffic to finally get Adsense approval.
Yes, Google Adsense allows content creators to monetize multiple websites. However, a single AdSense account cannot be integrated with multiple websites. Publishers must create different Adsense accounts to monetize different websites and go through the approval process all over again.
Valuable content and compliance with EEAT and Adsense policy guidelines is key to a successful website, however, there are a lot more things one can optimize to maximize Google AdSense revenue. Publishers can target high-CPC niches like finance or health and optimize ad placement by experimenting with formats and positions. It is also recommended to use multiple ad units wisely and ensure your content is SEO-optimized to attract more visitors. Lastly, continuously test and adjust your strategies based on key metrics for the best results.